Do Sleep Apps Really Work? A Qualified Sleep Coach Gives Her View

Do Sleep Apps Really Work? A Qualified Sleep Coach Gives Her View

Have you been wondering whether to try an app to help with your baby's sleep? Or perhaps you’re already using a sleep app, but you’re feeling disheartened because it’s not quite living up to it’s promise.

There are oodles of sleep apps out there that promise to help babies sleep well without excessive expense or hassle. But the real question is–do they work? Can a sleep app really help improve your baby's sleep?

Let's dive into it by taking a look at the different types of sleep apps that are available, how they work, and which ones you should (or shouldn’t!) invest your time and money into.

Online Sleep Consultant or a Home Visit - Which One Should You Choose?

Online Sleep Consultant or a Home Visit - Which One Should You Choose?

Are you struggling with a lack of sleep?

Do you need to make changes around sleep, but don’t want to do anything that involves leaving your baby to ‘cry-it-out’?

If so, please know that you’re not alone. Lots of parents get in touch with me saying that they feel stuck between a rock and a hard place because they are desperate for sleep to improve, but they can’t imagine anything ever changing.

However, please let me reassure you that there are plenty of gentle strategies you can use to help improve both your and your child’s sleep.