Why I Don't Use the Cry-It-Out Method

Why I Don't Use the Cry-It-Out Method

f you've tried the Cry It Out (CIO) method and given up, or if you're completely against it, I'm here to reassure you that there are alternatives for you to consider.  

You don't have to use CIO to help your child sleep better. 

If it's not for you, there are plenty of other things you can try that may better suit you, your baby, and your family.

So let's get into the details of why I don't personally advocate the Cry-It-Out method….

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Sleep Coach for Your Toddler

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Sleep Coach for Your Toddler

Being the parent of a toddler is exhausting at the best of times. Being the parent of a toddler who doesn’t sleep well takes the exhaustion to a whole other level. Gone are the days when you could ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ or spend time watching Netflix while you fed and cuddled your baby. Life is busy, you may have returned to work, and you may even have a new baby to care for as well. 

If this is where you’re at, please know that you’re not alone - sleep challenges during the toddler years are really common.

The Best Books on Sleep Training for Your Baby or Child

The Best Books on Sleep Training for Your Baby or Child

If you're currently suffering from sleep deprivation, and no book or method you picked up from the shelves seems to help with your child, firstly, I want to say you are not alone. I speak to many, many parents who have read every book imaginable on sleep coaching and have still struggled to make it work.

If you’re looking for a book (or an audiobook if you’re understandably so tired that you don’t have the energy to read!) to help with your baby’s sleep, here's a list of recommendations and things to watch out for when it comes to choosing books to read on the topic of sleep.